Choices, Choices…
Noah is torn between dressing up as Bono and dressing up as a leprechaun for St. Paddy’s Day
Noah Thorsen: stay-at-home-dad, cover band rockstar, open shirt enthusiast.
Noah is torn between dressing up as Bono and dressing up as a leprechaun for St. Paddy’s Day
With the case of her mother’s secret solved, Inspector Ursula returns to her client Noah to receive payment… but said client doesn’t want to pay up.
Noah and Valerie are dressed up as frogs for Leap Day, but Ursula would rather be a T-Rex. Happy Leap Day!
Inspector Ursula worries what horrors she might be about to witness in the teachers’ lounge as she hides behind the couch.
In order to solve the mystery of Ruth’s secrets, Inspector Ursula prepares for a sting operation… the things she’ll do for Lego…
Ursula sees a huge fiscal opportunity in Ruth’s secrets and Noah’s nosiness.
Noah always get Gladiator and 300 mixed up, while Ruth is a connoisseur of sweaty combat films.
“Kaboom Kaboom” is actually a kinda romantic song, at least by Marilyn Manson standards… so he was probably singing something more like “Slutgarden.”