February 28, 2023: Schoolyard Rumors
Poor Ursula… third grade is especially tough and conformist, if I recall correctly. Not that Noah would care (nor should he, really…)
Noah Thorsen: stay-at-home-dad, cover band rockstar, open shirt enthusiast.
Poor Ursula… third grade is especially tough and conformist, if I recall correctly. Not that Noah would care (nor should he, really…)
I think I got the allusion to the Titanic movie rather close. It’s a wonder the Art Gallery hasn’t banned Noah for his antics there, but then again he does help with fundraising for the gallery and the museum and is somewhat of a local D list micro-celebrity, sorta.
Can’t bring the whole beach home, Ursula. And you guys only live about 20 minutes away, anyway. (Inspired by Island View Beach just north of where the Thorsens live in Victoria, BC, which has signs up all over the place telling people to not take any of the logs or driftwood due to the … Read moreFebruary 25, 2023: Driftwood
Noah has his eyes on the big prize… one of the fall fairs near me does indeed have a men-only class for the apple pies in the baking category, which I thought was kinda funny… but also gives the dudes a chance, lol. And of course Noah wants to try to win the “real” … Read moreFebruary 24, 2023: Noah’s Apple Pie Plans
Nice try, Noah… but you’d probably have more success if you hadn’t bragged about the face-melting Scoville units the Carolina Reapers have and how you hoped to set the judges tastebuds on fire with them.
Usually Noah‘s a pretty easygoing guy, but every now and then we hit a nerve that brings out his fiercely competitive side. Don’t count your blue ribbons before the tomato plants have even hit an inch tall, though.
Agnes‘ neighbors all have security cameras aimed at their trees when they go out of town.
Grandpa Frank, ya gotta look around before you open your mouth… especially when it comes to things you know your wife Agnes and your daughter Ruth disapprove of.
Agnes would love to some days, but has yet to figure out an ironclad alibi to get rid of Noah. And we all know Ursula is an eager tattletale for the right amount of Lego.
Now, now, Noah… you know full well your mother is not a card counter. She’s just very lucky at the casinos. Blessed, even. That is all.