The Teachers-Only Tiki Party
Ursula finds out about the teachers’ end of the year teachers-only tiki party.
Noah Thorsen: stay-at-home-dad, cover band rockstar, open shirt enthusiast.
Ursula finds out about the teachers’ end of the year teachers-only tiki party.
Noah is home from his wedding gig and is hoping for some Saturday night nookie, but it seems Ruth’s not in a “nautical” mood.
Noah is getting ready for another wedding gig while Ursula remembers a boring wedding she got dragged to a while back.
Noah brings home a bucket of KFC… to celebrate Herbs & Spices Day, not because he’s lazy and didn’t feel like cooking… pinky swear.
Ruth and Noah continue to discuss Ursula’s latest artistic masterpiece and Noah takes glee in winding Ruth up.
The Thorsens and the Burgoynes—well, most of them—enjoy the rare display of the Northern Lights down in Victoria, BC.
Ruth laments that Noah isn’t listening as she talks about what she’s planning for her wardrobe.
Noah’s trying to get the ball rolling on a weekly observance of “No Housework Day.”