One More Time, with Feeling!
At this point these two aren’t even arguing about the songs anymore, it’s about stupid primate dominance games.
Noah Thorsen: stay-at-home-dad, cover band rockstar, open shirt enthusiast.
At this point these two aren’t even arguing about the songs anymore, it’s about stupid primate dominance games.
You’d think Noah would have noticed this tactic not getting his desired results as often as he likes…
Really, Ruth? How does someone with young children not know of the existence of “Baby Shark”?
Noah wants to know if Ruth has secrets he doesn’t know… and maybe he doesn’t want to know, but he does.
Noah should ask more questions if he wants more answers… actually, no. Scratch that. He shouldn’t ask any questions.
Can’t complain about being out of the loop if you don’t read the loop newsletter, Noah.
See, this is why you don’t talk without your lawyer present, Ursula. Better yet, don’t talk at all.