Dishwasher Repair for Dummies

Noah's dishwasher is one the fritz and Ruth and Ursula have demands.

  Bonus cartoon/marker sketch: based on a true story, sorta. Fortunately, unlike Noah, the Cartoonist’s dad does know how to fix dishwashers, but this one may be too far gone… aaaaaaand yep, had to buy a new one. Ugh. Links Follow Noah on Facebook: And on Instagram: And on Twitter or X or … Read moreDishwasher Repair for Dummies

The Neighborhood According to Ursula

A map of local landmarks Ursula considers important.

One of the local arts councils has a daily art challenge with prompts in June. I figure where the prompt fits, I’ll do something Noah-related and post it here. Today’s prompt: “in the neighborhood” as drawn by Ursula… and clearly not to scale if Granny Thorsen’s house in Florida is drawn that close to the … Read moreThe Neighborhood According to Ursula