Ruth’s Dirty Little Prideful Secret
Really, Ruth? How does someone with young children not know of the existence of “Baby Shark”?
Noah Thorsen: stay-at-home-dad, cover band rockstar, open shirt enthusiast.
Really, Ruth? How does someone with young children not know of the existence of “Baby Shark”?
Noah wants to know if Ruth has secrets he doesn’t know… and maybe he doesn’t want to know, but he does.
See, this is why you don’t talk without your lawyer present, Ursula. Better yet, don’t talk at all.
Ursula and Noah need to talk, but more importantly, they ought to actually listen, too.
I think I got the allusion to the Titanic movie rather close. It’s a wonder the Art Gallery hasn’t banned Noah for his antics there, but then again he does help with fundraising for the gallery and the museum and is somewhat of a local D list micro-celebrity, sorta.
It’s true that Noah and Ruth first met at one of Noah’s old Marilyn Manson tribute band gigs, but it didn’t take long before Ruth put an end to Noah’s Antichrist Superstar impersonation days.