Year: 2023
January 31, 2023: Ursula Needs A Sport
No, Noah, carnival knife throwing is not a sport, no matter how much Ursula wants to try it.
January 30, 2023: Fitness Goals
“Go play in traffic” was my maternal uncles’ favorite retort when us kids were being annoying in the ’80s. Anyway, one might wonder why Noah doesn’t ask Ruth whether she’d prefer a Danzig physique or a Jagger one… but she might tell him Bono, in which case Noah’s kinda already there. Side note: in … Read moreJanuary 30, 2023: Fitness Goals
January 28, 2023: Ruth’s Donuts
Well, turnabout for Thursday is fair play. And Noah will be so much nicer once he has a couple donuts, lol…
January 27, 2023: Lunch at Gigi’s
That’s right, Glen, guard those fries. Clearly Noah‘s in need of some carb-loading. You just know Adam‘s getting another earful from Gigi about how it’s time to have his own babies after this visit.
January 26, 2023: Bloody Mary
Suddenly Noah‘s all about the whole salad-for-lunch thing. Maybe even three salads for lunch. Also, apparently the “ketchup is a vegetable” thing really happened. LOL…
January 25, 2023: The Cheater
Frank has had decades of practice circumventing Agnes‘ annual New Year’s diet.
January 21, 2023: The Aftermath
Noah gets busted trying to sneak in the house post-gig. Hell hath no fury like Ruth when she catches Noah playing Marilyn Manson.