The Teachers-Only Tiki Party
Ursula finds out about the teachers’ end of the year teachers-only tiki party.
Noah Thorsen: stay-at-home-dad, cover band rockstar, open shirt enthusiast.
Ursula finds out about the teachers’ end of the year teachers-only tiki party.
Noah is home from his wedding gig and is hoping for some Saturday night nookie, but it seems Ruth’s not in a “nautical” mood.
Noah’s off to work, leaving Ursula and Ruth to start planning something that won’t happen for almost 20 years.
Ursula’s got some imaginative plans for her future wedding guest list.
Noah brings home a bucket of KFC… to celebrate Herbs & Spices Day, not because he’s lazy and didn’t feel like cooking… pinky swear.
Noah’s not gonna tell Ursula he celebrated National Donut Day six times over yesterday.
Noah’s reaction to Ursula’s story is quite opposite to her intended result.
Noah is still reading Ursula’s story and he’s still not chastised by it as Ursula had hoped.