guilt trip
Failed Delivery Attempts
Ruth is away at a conference but that doesn’t stop her from keeping tabs on her deliveries.
Or lack thereof.
Ursula’s Propaganda Backfires
Noah’s reaction to Ursula’s story is quite opposite to her intended result.
How Daddy Stole Summer: Part 3
Ursula’s story about Noah stealing summer continues, still without achieving its goals.
How Daddy Stole Summer: Part 2
Noah continues to miss the point of Ursula’s “How Daddy Stole Summer” story.
How Daddy Stole Summer: Part 1
Noah gets a glimpse of Ursula’s illustrated story, ‘How Daddy Stole Summer.’
Inspector Ursula’s Real Aim
Ursula doesn’t believe freedom from consequences, at least for Noah. Especially if it’s the consequences of not buying her stuff she wants.