band life
Canada Day Heckling
Ursula rushes the stage and gets her heckle on during Noah’s Canada Day cover band gig.
Ursula Hates Weddings
Noah is getting ready for another wedding gig while Ursula remembers a boring wedding she got dragged to a while back.
The Pitch
It’s true that Noah and Ruth first met at one of Noah’s old Marilyn Manson tribute band gigs, but it didn’t take long before Ruth put an end to Noah’s Antichrist Superstar impersonation days.
Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad
Ursula might have gotten a wrong answer from Noah, but at least she didn’t have to bother Googling the answers.
Kaboom! Kaboom!
“Kaboom Kaboom” is actually a kinda romantic song, at least by Marilyn Manson standards… so he was probably singing something more like “Slutgarden.”