Failed Delivery Attempts

Ruth is away at a conference but that doesn’t stop her from keeping tabs on her deliveries. Or lack thereof.
Hammock. Clearly.

Ruth is away at a conference but that doesn’t stop her from keeping tabs on her deliveries.

Or lack thereof.


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Comic description

In case of broken image links or accessibility issues with today’s cartoon, here’s the gist of today’s cartoon:

Noah is holding a screaming Valerie while on a video call with Ruth. He smiles and says, “Look, Valerie: Mommy’s at her teachers’ conference. Can you say hi?”

She keeps screeching, and Noah tells Ruth, “Clearly she misses you.”

Ruth then says, “Speaking of missing, I’ve gotten 2 failed delivery notifications from UPS.”

Noah scowls and protests, “Hey, I was home the whole time!”

Ruth asks, “Awake in the house or asleep in the hammock?”