How Daddy Stole Summer: Part 2

Noah is enjoying being the villain in Ursula's little story.
See, Ursula… this is why publishing companies have a legal department and insist on fact-checking for non-fiction books…


Noah continues to miss the point of Ursula‘s “How Daddy Stole Summer” story.


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Comic description

In case of broken image links or accessibility issues with today’s cartoon, here’s the gist of today’s cartoon:

We see the continuation of Ursula’s story about Noah ruining summer. The first page shows a giant Noah glaring down at a row of smiling children in the sun. He says, “I must find way [sic] to ruin the season! Dont [sic] ask me why. I dont [sic] need a reason.”

In the next page the giant Noah head is overlooking a small child in a cage that looks suspiciously like a frowning Ursula. He muses, “But how to steal summer… there must be a way. I sure cant [sic] let Ursula just sit home and play!”

Next we see Noah grinning and holding a rec guide and a credit card. Ursula’s story continues: “‘I know what I’ll do!’ Daddy cackled with glee. ‘I’ll google the rec guide and have a looksie.’ So Daddy went looking online with his card to find summer jail camps both neer [sic] and far.”

We now exit Ursula’s story to see Noah holding it and grinning as he looks at Ursula and explains, “Actually, they’re all just at the local community centre, honey.”