Pyra Draculea
Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad
Ursula might have gotten a wrong answer from Noah, but at least she didn’t have to bother Googling the answers.
Ursula on Watch Duty
Grandma Agnes needs that extra five bucks for gambling… or maybe she’s just cheap.
Noah’s 300
Noah always get Gladiator and 300 mixed up, while Ruth is a connoisseur of sweaty combat films.
Noah the Muffin Man
Noah knows exactly how to bribe his way into getting what he wants, and Frank is very, very bribeable.
Noah’s Favorite Yoga Pose
Noah is doing his part for equality by fighting the stereotype that women take more selfies. Links Follow Noah on Facebook: And on Instagram: And on Twitter or X or whatever that digital hellhole is called this week: Comic text In case of broken image links or accessibility issues with today’s … Read moreNoah’s Favorite Yoga Pose