Ursula Gets “Cheated” Again

Noah has made peace with the Cartoonist... but Ursula sees the downside of that.
Business 101 in cartoons and in life: always go to the source wherever possible to avoid the middleman. Or middle third-grader, as the case may be.


Things are back to normal in the comic universe as Noah has made peace with the Cartoonist… but Ursula sees the downside of that.


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Comic description

In case of broken image links or accessibility issues with today’s cartoon, here’s the gist of today’s cartoon:

Noah is smiling as he lugs a laundry basket and tells Ursula how he’s made peace with the Cartoonist: “… so Daddy and the Cartoonist worked things out and we’re friends again. Isn’t that great?”

Ursula freaks out, yelling, “GAH!!! I got cheated out of my million dollars!!!”