Noah consults with Ruth about his déjà vu.
Comic description
In case of broken image links or accessibility issues with today’s cartoon, here’s the gist of today’s cartoon:
Noah and Ruth are reading in bed, him with a book on time loops and her with a copy of Jane Eyre. He turns to her and asks, “Ruth, you ever get the feeling we’re living in a rerun?”
She replies, “Huh?”
He explains, “Like everything’s the same and nothing ever changes?”
Ruth asks, “You mean like a routine?”
Noah replies, “No, like weird stuff that happens again and again. Like this one squirrel: every day at 10:47 he runs the same zigzag across the yard, poops on your mother’s doorstep, then runs up the same oak tree.”
Ruth glares at Noah and asks, “Pooping on Mom’s step? Did you train him to do that?”
He grins and says, “No comment.”
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